Well, what can I say about this week?? So much happened. We almost doubled our average amount of lessons, saw the hand of the Lord in almost every step we took and for the first time
Oh, I have to acknowledge the death of my first pair of Spanish scriptures. Yes I almost cried. The binding unglued and all the pages started falling out. I have NO idea how because I treated them like a baby. They were SO beautifully marked up, and they were so precious to me, but have no fear, I bought new ones. (:
So this week I want to talk about my companion Hermana Whitney Castleton. We had SO much unity between our teaching this week it was a blessing. We got to watch each others testimonies in ACCION! I don't know how she puts up with me as a companera (companion) either. I make the dumbest jokes and some how she finds it in herself to laugh and then we're happily laughing down the street together. I love how if we never would have decided to serve a mission we wouldn't have even known the other existed. We will be life ling friends no doubt.
This week we both had received great revelations. For example we had stopped in front of some random door so I could write something in my agenda, and Hermana Castleton said, ``I think we should knock on this door`` and before I could stop writing and say okay! She knocked and out came a nice looking lady, around the age of 50 and guess what, SHE HAD BEEN BAPTIZED and wants us to come by this week to teach her. WOW how cool was that. I love my companion. I have been so blessed with being with her for another change (transfer), and I wouldn't mind 10 more. We are happy busy bees in this sector! (:
We found two other menos activos (less active members) and 2 new investigators this week. One if 86 (ines) and the other is 55(secilia), both girls. We have been so blessed to have found these two gems and hope and pray they will be able to preserver and progress♥
I know personal revaluation is given to those who seek it, Hermana Castleton and I have both received witnesses of that this week and I am so grateful. Our Heavenly Father is mindful of us. Our roommates this week told us we were such good examples and they are going to try to be strictly obedient this week as well, which we are grateful for because we need an apartment of obedience♥ I am loving all the things I am learning here. The work is hard but the days are bright. We have been extremely blessed this week and I am so grateful for that. We have felt the Love of our Heavenly Father for sure this week.
Have a super sassy week and take care! Hope you all are enjoying the cold! Drink some hot cocoa for me!!!! (:
Teeny your tractor is looking mightyyy fineeee!!! (:
♥Siempre, hermana Cook
mommy I love you so much. Your concern is a huge act of love. Thank you for caring so much. I seriously want to hug you through this computer screen. Thank you for your 20 years of support in my life. I wouldn't be here without your example. But no, everything is fine here...water and all! (: cant send photos today :( next week. This computer is lame. Love you tons
From Danielle's mother. As a wonderful blessing I get to read Danielle's companions emails each week. I had to share her email. It was such a powerful testimony I could not resist.
Whitney's email:
My dear family and wonderful friends. Thank you for gathering around the letter I am writing today, the 19 de Enero 2014. It is great to feel your love through the screen, directing my thoughts and the inspiration of the Spirit and I thank you for your assistance.
Well, we have had one record of a week this time around. I didn't think I would come to this point ever in my time here as a missionary, but I LOVE my mission. I love the people. I love my trials and getting up demasiado (too) early and eating way too much food and feeling like I'm gaining pesos by the moment. I love my sore feet and my tired muscles and my exhausted, overworked mind. I love the holes I've worn into the heels and soles of my shoes. I love being constantly drenched in my own sweat and I love the whistling ugly drunk men. I LOVE THE MISSION:
I have never in my life recognized the close proximity of Lucifer and his angels to those who obediently try to do the work of God. Satan is real. I want to testify to each of you, look you personally in the eyes, take and shake you by the shoulders and implore you to be careful. He is very clever. He is smart and he does not want us to win. In anything. He wins when our grip on the part of us that God can dwell is penetrated by the stain of sin or guilt. He hates us, he knows he is going to lose the fight he's been fighting and he will try in every angle he possibly can to get you to think the little things don't matter.
Don't let him think you can't change. If you've sinned, made mistakes or plain messed up, change your perspective. Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ don't limit the number of times you can use the Atonement. It is there as a gift free of charge and you are worthy to become worthy through His love, blood and sacrifice.
The last week I have witnessed of the battle between the two powers. I cannot tell you how much power the power of God has over the devil. The world is evil, it is true. I cannot tell you how downhill and plain awful the world has become. But there is good. There is God and there is the word and power of God. He will not let us be tempted or suffer more than we can handle. God is in control. He knows how to run the show, and don't think otherwise. Satan will fight the fight. He will battle until our last drop of sweat has fallen and our will is the size of a grain of sand. But keep fighting. We need you. We need your talents and abilities to equip the saints and disciples of Christ with the weapons of truth and righteousness.
My dear, beautiful comp Hermana Cook is a blessing in my life. A miracle, as well. She has taught me and helped me become closer to my Father in Heaven the last change and a bit since the beginning. She is a wonderful example of patience. Until the last several days, I haven't been saying much in lessons because I never knew or recognized when or what to say. But my comp told me she needs me. She needs my testimony and support in the lessons so we can both receive revelation for the people we teach. I didn't realize how powerful the power of two testimonies is, when we both teach a lesson by the Spirit, compared to the lessons before. I feel more edified and concentrated in my work, the Spirit gives me peace and I feel the presence of God is closer.
In the year 2014 in the month of Enero on a boiling, sweltering summer day in Santiago Chile, there were two young woman. A short, sassy blond and a quirky brunette, dressed in skirts and walking with long strides down a filthy street. On their chests, a small rectangular black tag reflected the sunlight.... Well that's how I picture ourselves. I don't have as much time as I thought so we'll give the condensed version. We found Elva and Mario again. And we taught BOMB lessons. The Spirit was there, we testified, used scriptures and taught the Plan of Salvation. They accepted a fecha (date) and were baptized yesterday... Nah! Era una broma. Disculpe, Lunes (it was a joke, Sorry) I am always in a distracted mood. But we taught them the PDS and the second time, Elva asked the question I love to answer. Why are you here? Are you here to baptize us? Well, Elva, let me just tell you with burning passion the reason I am here. En serio, (seriously) I love this question. I told her we are representatives of Jesucristo and we are here, called by God to this specific area for a specific purpose. To preach the gospel and invite others to come to Christ. Hermana Cook explained we are here to bring souls to Christ and that is through baptism. We have yet to drop the question bomb, but we are feeling the urgency to do it. They fed us a half a watermelon each. It was delicious. I've yet to have a bad, watery watermelon here. Mmm. I am sending you a mental picture through the screen... Smile. It is very delicious.
Entonces, I want you each to know that I love you. I love the sacrifice and examples you are for me and I cannot thank you enough for the tender mercies each of your lives are. Thank you for your love and the apoyo (support). I cannot pay you back in money, but I promise to work harder to bring God's will to this people and send the blessings to them through your support. I love this mission. This time is a blessed time and I would not give it up for anything. I love everything I have learned and changed and the doubts and fears I've left behind. I enjoy the challenges we face.
As an informe (report), I am very near finishing my 6 month mark. I have nearly completed a third of my mission. AND I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE! It's just starting to get real and good. Time flies when you're... exhausted and sore from doing more than 6 hours of walking every day under the direct rays of the sun! I love you all.
Until we meet again, next week, God be with you this day and always.
Hermana Castleton