GAVE MY FINAL TESTIMONY :( this is really it. I have two weeks. I never
thought Id be here. I cant describe all that is going through my head
right now.. including when I went to the doctors office, they told me I
need to brush up on my English because I have lost it 0_o well.....
anyway:: During my last Zone Conferencia I was thinking of coarse about
the time all 8 of us had had (The 8 hermanas who all came together) and
how fast time flies and how looking back life seems too short. Daddy
always sends me a monthly scripture to ponder about so I am basically
going to be sending what he taught me and rewording it because I thought
it was inspirational. He sent me with Alma 37: Verse 41 Nevertheless,
because those miracles were worked by small means it did show unto them
marvelous works. They were slothful, and forgot to exercise their faith
and diligence and then those marvelous works ceased, and they did not
progress in their journey; so, here is a vital factor in our lives, for
us on missions now and for after and always, especially in light (like
Hermana Cook, president`s wife taught us) that Satan is real, and is
fighting with everything he has for the souls of mankind. The Lord is
Hastening His work and so is
In order for us to keep him out of our lives, because we certainly will
be tempted in ways we cannot see, is to always be faithful in not only
reading and really escudriñar las escrituras and pondering their meaning
and apply them to our modern lives & having spent many
months among some very choice people of our Heavenly Father and having
gained a testimony of what it takes to try and keep a spotless and happy
life, I have made a personal covenant that everyday i will study and
ponder the scriptures in combination with personal prayers. I know
Heavenly Father has been with me on my mission. During the day I feel
full of energy and don't think about going home but every night I cannot
help but cry my self to sleep at the thought that one more day has gone
by and its one day màs cerca to the day when I will have to leave my
Chilean friends, brothers, sisters and family behind. It is a lot harder
than I ever imagined... I went to the doctor again cause my head is
being annoyed. (pretty sure its just stress) and then Hermana Olson got
hit with the flu! the opposicion is real!!!
Jorge updates:
He is amazing. He saved 2 peoples lives guided by the spirit he told us.
Mario is progressing. He hasn't missed church in 6 weeks (He has a
baptism date but we will probably have to change it because... we prayed
and the answer was that we need to change his fecha).
r investigators :
all are progressing and going to church and reading... two have fechas
and the others are waiting for an answer ♥ We have been so blessed.
I love my Comp, I love this long, hard, life changing work, and I love this Barrio, La Blanca.
See you all in 2 weeks.
have a super sassy day.
love you all