Okay familia!!
This week we were in side because of Diece Ocho for about a day or so because the streets are a little crazy. They
had an incident with their hermanas and I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to
really say, but the sector was basically very unsafe, so we had to have a huge
meeting about safety and stuff that the headquarters at Salt Lake put together
for us, so that was kind of... uhm, interesting! But all is well :)
Anyways, this week was full of food
and stomach aches and a lot of beautiful rain!
It was another successful and great week. My companion is a true disciple of Christ and
is always helping me and we work so well together.
Prayers have been answered with her
being my new companion! She's a great
trainer. About a week ago I started
experiencing terrible back pains again but it's a lot easier to ignore on a
mission because all you can think about is the sacrifice Christ made, so it
practically numbs it out. It's hard to
explain, but when your studying Christ’s life and trying your hardest to
represent him best, things are just easier and my testimony of that has grown
so much this week.
I don't have too much time to write
all that I want to say, but I love my ward. There are only about 30 to 50
active members and they are so sweet and want to help the church grow. I hope and pray this church grows quickly and
strongly here! I will say this in many
of my emails I send home, but the members are SO great. At least in our sector
so far :) That is a huge blessing!
Oh, I'm also getting a calling this
week and I'm a teensy bit freaking out because if I get a teaching calling,
were in trouble, because I don't speak Spanish that well! heehee. Yesterday, I told Ema, a lady in the ward,
that I ate a spider for lunch... but I meant to say ORANGE, in my defense, the
words are VERY similar. But it was a
great laugh for my companion and she very kindly helped me out of that
situation and explained to both myself and Ema... my error! LAUGHING OUT LOUD
HERE♥ I just love it. Well Landon, Austin,
Daddy, Brooke and mommy! Love you guys all so much.
Glad things are going well. Keep studying and having fun and enjoy some
pizza for me..and hamburgers!!!! Love you all so much to the moon and back always and FOREVER ♥
~Simpre, Hermana Cook!
I sent a picture of a Family on Diese
Ocho! We ate so much, I almost threw up, but it’s rude if you don't eat
everything. They have an unusual family!
Their mom is the only active member and it’s really hard on her. All her
kids aren't married but at least have one kid.
We taught them a lesson and one of the mothers asked super good
questions. This is the Burros Family!
This week was Diese Ocho! This is
like a week of the 4th of July but for Chileans! They all know this dance called the
Cueca! It's way fun! I sent some pictures that were at the ward
Hermana's Party |
Hermana's Party |
Hermana's Party |
I sent a picture of little girl that
loves us so much. She's the cutest thing ever!
Her name is really long so I forgot it!! eeeek! But this week she made us Chilean pins out of beads and I have
it on my back pack :) she’s SO cute.
I sent a favorite picture of my name tag. It's taken on a fence of a house. All the houses here have glass smashed and cemented on top because stealing is a big problem here, but it’s considered art as well. I also love the flag in the background. It's like my name among the thorns (well, in this case among the glass) It has a lot of symbolism for me.
My first study area in my apartment. |
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